Meet Milly…
Milly is a 22yr old professional Dressage rider based in Herefordshire and the latest member of the HorseHage Ambassador team. We’re super excited to have her on board! Get to know Milly below…she’s pretty impressive:
Elementary Regional Champion
Advanced Medium Petplan Semi Final Champion
Advanced Medium PetPlan champs reserve champion
9th Young Horse PSG Premier League
More about Milly…
I grew up on British Dressage competition centre called East Soley EC2000. My family was never in the position to buy ‘ready-made’ horses, so since I was young I’ve always schooled and broken my own ponies. From age 11, I was schooling and breaking ponies then by 14, thanks to my dad, I was able to buy my first horse.
I’m currently riding Olaf, who is everything I’ve ever dreamed of! For the first time I’m doing what I’ve always dreamt, training and chasing towards Grand Prix!
Alongside Olaf I have 2 other horses, my homebred Tinker and a recent addition, a 2yr old named Quinn. Tinker has been with me 16yrs now, and as a strong willed chestnut TB x Welsh mare, was my biggest teacher. I learnt not just how to work with “untalented” horses, lifting a horse of the forehand etc.
I’ve been very lucky to have been taught by Mary Wanless from a very small child and through rider biomechanics I take the most from the uniqueness of each horse I encounter. My social media I started when I was 12, it’s been my biggest blessing and I can’t explain how grateful I am for the companies and people that support this journey, because without them I know this would all be much harder.
View Milly’s Instagram HERE
Photo credit ATG Photography